Create Business Blog within half an hour

Sometimes bloggers request help for setting up online business
with minimal expenses. It is possible to make money online by setting up business blogs.
When you set up a business blog, you should pay particular attention to the template such as things like having a fast page loading time. If a page takes too long to download, visitors will just surf away to another site. It should also have a navigation bar to assist in getting around the website easily and finding the information they are seeking. This business blog uses a sub-domain of Blogger, that is, its URL is something like Registering your own domain that have a URL that is something like may command more respect and may be more suitable for a business blog. A New Blogger custom domain, which will use a similar URL minus the soon. However, even after conversion to use own domain, the original blogspot blog URL will automatically redirect all visitors to the new (own) domain. I will post more about this, how to do it in the easiest and best way possible hope I will remember to update this post with a link to the new post about using custom domains. In the meantime, you may read about the Advantages of New Blogger custom domain

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