The answer to this depends on where you move your blog to and from, so you can choose your situation from the options below. "Blog*Spot" refers to basic, free hosting on, "FTP" refers to Blogger publishing static files to your own server, and "Custom Domain" refers to having a custom address associated with your blog that is being hosted by Blogger.
Blog*Spot to Blog*Spot
If you simply change your Blog*Spot address, you have nothing to worry about. Your images will still be hosted on our photo servers and will still show up in your posts as always.
Blog*Spot to FTP
If you move your blog from Blog*Spot to being hosted on your own server, then the situation is slightly different. We'll continue to host your previously uploaded images on our servers; they do not get copied to your server, though new images will be uploaded to the new location.
Images on our servers that are over a certain size (400px) have referrer restrictions, meaning that they will not be displayed on servers other than and However, by default, images display as thumbnails of less than 400px within posts, and simply link to the full-size image. So in most cases this will not cause problems for anyone.
Blog*Spot to a Custom Domain
In this case, Blogger continues to host all your content, and the only thing that changes is the address that points to it. Since the address is no longer on, the referrer restriction mentioned above will still apply, meaning images over 400px will not display on your page. However, most thumbnails will be below this and will still link correctly to the full-sized images.
FTP to Blog*Spot or a Custom Domain
Images (or other files) from your server are not copied over to the Blogger servers. If you leave your server up and running, then the image tags and links in your posts will continue to work. Alternatively, you can re-upload your images to Blogger so they're hosted on our servers
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move your images to another blog
» What happens to images when you move my blog?
What happens to images when you move my blog?
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What happens to images when you move my blog?The answer to this depends on where you move your blog to and from, so you can choose your situation from the options below. "Blog*Spot" refers to bas… Read More
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