How to create hyperlink(part1)

HTML is easy

First, rest be assured that learning enough HTML (HyperText Markup Language, but don't let this bombastic name frighten you please) to be able to control the appearance of your blog and the properties or attributes of various things in your blog is not difficult. Just to reassure you, you can actually add HTML to your blog without knowing HTML at all.

First, in the post editor, don't use COMPOSE mode. I hate this mode and never use it. If you want to master your blog, please use the EDIT HTML mode. See screen shot below:

HTML without sweat

Now, for example, when you want to make some text bold, first highlight the text, for example, highlight "text bold" (see screen shot below):

After highlighting, click the "bold icon"     You will see that the "text bold" has been surrounded by
< span styl...> and < /span> and ends up as:

< span style="font-weight:bold;">text bold< /span>

You can do the same thing to make text italic.

There, you see, you have added HTML into your blog post without knowing anything about HTML. Now to give you confidence, we will add a simple example where you will learn how to use HTML tags to make some text superscript.

Another simple example. Suppose you want to put some text as superscript. It is very easy. Suppose I want the "TM" in the title of my upcoming book Dream Driven LifeTM as superscript, what I have to do is to add < sup> (opening HTML tag) in front of TM and < /sup> (closing HTML tag, HTML tags always occur in pairs) after TM so what I have will be

< sup>TM< /sup>