When you prepare a post with Blogger, you can only add a single space using the space bar. Even if you press the space bar 1000 times, two words will only be separated by a single space. If you need to create more than that, you will have to use what is know as non-breaking space. Now I am going to create a wide space between "begin" and "end" in the example below:
begin end
If you try doing that by repeatedly pressing the space bar, it will not work. What you need to do is to type the following special character (this will have to be a graphic image, otherwise, it will be invisible to you):
begin end
If you try doing that by repeatedly pressing the space bar, it will not work. What you need to do is to type the following special character (this will have to be a graphic image, otherwise, it will be invisible to you):

Of course, if you want more space, all you need to do is to copy-paste. Do that as often as you want extra space.
Note: The code is easy to remember because nbsp is short for Non-Breaking SPace
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