This is how you can add a graphic to your header. Sign into Dashboard. For the blog you want to modify, click LAYOUT, then click EDIT HTML. Then look for this block of codes in the template:
< id="header-wrapper">
< ?xml:namespace prefix = b />
< id="Header1" title="Replacing Blog Header (Header)" type="Header" locked="true">
< /b:section>
Change maxwidgets='1' to maxwidgets='4'(or any other number greater than 1, or even leave a number out, then there is no maximum) and change showaddelement='no' to showaddelement='yes'. (you may also leave out the figure in maxwidgets='' in which case the number of widgets you can add to the header is unlimited). So the section should now be
< id="header-wrapper">
< id="header" class="header" showaddelement="yes" maxwidgets="4">
< id="Header1" title="Replacing Blog Header (Header)" type="Header" locked="true">
< /b:section>
< /div>
Click SAVE TEMPLATE. Then click PAGE ELEMENT tab to go back to LAYOUT. You will see an extra "Add a Page Element" above the Header.
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