How to upgrade blog using old classic template to New Blogger template

Go to, sign in to Dashboard, click TEMPLATE for the blog you want to upgrade to New Blogger template. This will take you to the template editor. The very first thing you should do is to backup your template. Click on the inside of the template editor window, right-click and choose "Select All" (or press ctrl+A) to highlight the whole template, right-click again and select "copy" (or press ctrl+C) open a Notepad file, paste the old classic template into the Notepad file by right-clicking and choosing "paste" (or press ctrl+V), save it in a suitable folder with a descriptive file name, including as much details as possible, possibly including the name of the blog plus the date, etc. Make full use of the ability of Windows to use long file names. This will save whatever customization you may have done and help you put them back into the New Blogger template plus give you the chance to get back to your old template if you changed your mind. Actually this may be a superfluous step if you just want to revert to the old classic template as Blogger save it for you, but if you choose to continue with the New Blogger template, this backup template can easily help you extract various customizations you have like visitor counter, advertisements, etc., if you can recognize them.

Next step - at the top, you will see some tabs and sub-tabs:

Click the "Customize design" sub-tab, then click UPGRADE YOUR TEMPLATE. You will then see a list of New Blogger templates. If you can decide on one, fine. If not, choose anyone and don't worry. You can al0ways change later. Click "SAVE TEMPLATE". Don't worry. You can easily change later.

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