My personal preference is to use the Edit HTML mode for preparing my posts, and to get a view of how it will display on the Web, I click the

Post Editor Toolbar in the COMPOSE mode
In the COMPOSE mode, you will get a more elaborate toolbar:
The first tool you get in the toolbar is a drop-down menu to select the font. For example, I want this sentence to be in Arial, I will have to highlight the sentence and choose Arial (the first tool) in the drop-down menu. The following sentence should also be in Arial. If I want back the Times font, I choose Times in the drop down menu, and the sentence will be back to Times, like the rest of the post. You will have 9 choices of fonts - Arial, Courier, Georgia, Lucida Grande, Times, Trebuchet, Verdana and Webbings. Alternatively, you can select your font and font size right from the beginning and the whole of your post will be in that font and font size.
I may also highlight this text and select Huge from the second drop-down menu for font size. You have 5 choices here - Huge, large, normal size, small and tiny. You may also make this word red or any color you like by highlighting the word, clicking the text color tool icon
and selecting red from the palette.
Text alignment options
I may also highlight this text and select Huge from the second drop-down menu for font size. You have 5 choices here - Huge, large, normal size, small and tiny. You may also make this word red or any color you like by highlighting the word, clicking the text color tool icon

Text alignment options
In the COMPOSE mode, you also

Numbered list and Bulleted list
You may also easily create numbered list or unnumbered list in the COMPOSE mode. For example, this list that I type here:
All I have to do is to highlight the list, like this:

then click the numbered list tool icon

Finally there is an option for removing the formatting you have done by using the tool icons by selecting (highlighting) the relevant section and clicking the "Remove formatting from
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