Actually it is very easy to remove the blogger navbar. But before you make any changes in the template, first backup it to be safe from any accidental changes.
How To Backup the Blogger Template
1. Login to your blogger dashboard. Then Go to Layout > Edit HTML.
2. Click on the Download Full Template link and save the template.
Now you have a backup copy of your existing template so that you can always revert back to your original template in case of any errors. Now the main part of the tutorial,
How To Remove/Hide Navbar From Blogger Blog
1. As before, Go to Layout > Edit HTML.
2. Find the word, < /b:skin> in the template source code.
3. Now insert the following code just before < /b:skin>,
#navbar-iframe {
Click on the preview button to make sure that the navbar is hidden, then save the template.
That’s it. You’ve removed the blogger navbar for ever.
Are you violating Blogger’s TOS by Removing/Hiding the Navbar?
The exact answer is, maybe Yes, I know that its not an exact answer. But there are different opinions about this issue. its legal to remove the navbar where as that its legal to remove it only if you are a FTP publisher. If you are normal publisher you shouldn’t remove it. I started a thread on official Blogger support forums but didn’t got answer from the Blogger Representatives. Also, there’s no mention of this issue in the Blogger’s Terms of Service page.
Conclusion - Since nothing is mentioned anywhere about navbar, its NOT against TOS to remoave it.
Still, if you are too concerned about removing the blogger navbar, you can simply use the following code to move it to the bottom of the blog,
#navbar-iframe {
position: fixed;
right: 0px;
bottom: 0px;
left: 0px;
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