Howto Install E17 Enlightenment Desktop in Ubuntu

Enlightenment, commonly referred to as e, is a open source software X window manager primarily for Unix-like computers. Enlightenment focuses on pushing the limits of existing technologies while remaining lightweight, flexible, and beautiful. The project has a long history; the current stable version is e DR (development release) 16, and the unstable developer version is e DR17

Enlightenment Desktop Features

◦Basic options, such as window movement, resizing, and focus

◦Virtual screen settings, such as the number and separation

◦Window, pointer, and ToolTip behavior

◦Sound effects for window operations

◦Special effects for window, desktop, and menu animation

◦Distinct background settings for desktops

◦Extensive ToolTips and pop-up help

◦Keyboard shortcuts for nearly 80 actions, such as window handling, desktop navigation, or cursor movement.

The following procedure will work for Ubuntu Edgy and Ubuntu Feisty

Install E17 Enlightenment Desktop in Ubuntu

First we need to add the repo to our apt sources list

Open your Terminal and type

   sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list

Now you need to add the following lines save and exit the file

 ## E17 repository “”

deb edgy e17
deb-src edgy e17

Now we need the gpg key for the repo


         sudo apt-key add repo_key.asc

Now we need to update source list using the following command

       sudo apt-get update

Now we can install E17 using the following command

       sudo apt-get install e17

Now you need to logout from the existing desktop if you want to login in to enlightenment desktop select Sessions--->Enlightenment and click on change session to login

Enlightenment Desktop is Loading

Once it loaded Enlightenment Desktop you should see similar to the following screen

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