Howto Restore Ubuntu After Windows Installation Using LiveCD

Windows will overwrite the grub boot loader , So You cannot access Linux partition after Windows Installation.

Tools Required : Ubuntu LiveCD

First you have to boot your system with a ununtu LIVECD
Then Open a terminal ( Applications --> Accessories --> Terminal)

($sudo -i Will give # Prompt then you can avoid sudo in every command)

Now you can start
$ sudo grub this will give you a new prompt

Type the command

> find /boot/grub/stage1 This will give you a output like (hd0,2) in this case it will vary depends on your system

> root(hd0,2) ( use your hd number and there is no space between root and (hd0,2)

now type
> setup (hd0,2)

> quit
Now you can restart your system

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