Unlock iPhone 3G 3.0 (OS 3.0) with Ultrasn0w 0.6

Finally long awaited iPhone OS 3.0 software update is released and I am sure many users would have already upgraded their iPhone’s to firmware 3.0. This is the first time when both jailbreak & Unlock tools for iPhone 3G 3.0 are ready.

The duration of 4 months from announcement of iPhone OS 3.0 to final release was enough for dev team to get ready their jailbreak & unlock tools. There were few initial glitches resulting delay in releasing jailbreak tool due to Yutube.app.

Now you have PwnageTool 3.0 for Mac, Redsn0w 0.7.2 for Windows & Mac for Jailbraking iPhone 3G OS 3.0 & Ultrasn0w 0.6 to Unlock iPhone 3G 3.0.

Important Points

1. If you want to unlock your iPhone 3G you must jailbreak iPhone 3G OS 3.0 with redsn0w

2. You must install iTunes 8.2 if you need to upgrade iPhone 3G to 3.0 firmware

3. Ultrasn0w works only on Baseband 04.26.08 irrespective of your iPhone OS (3.0/2.2.1/2.2)

4. T-Mobile USA users must turn off 3G mode.

How to Install Ultrasn0w From Cydia

1. Launch Cydia or Icy

2. You should see Two Options Packages and Source.

3. Go to Packages -> Edit -> Add & Enter repo666.ultrasn0w.com URL as a repository URL.

4. Now Go back to Your Cydia Sources menu and you should see the Ultrasn0w package!

How to Unlock iPhone 3G 3.0 Baseband 04.26.08

1. Download Redsn0w 0.7.2. & Jailbreak iPhone 3G 3.0 with Reds0w & Install Cydia installer

2. Follow How to Install Ultrasn0w from Cydia Instructions.

3. Press Home button to Power Off& Insert your Third part SIM card

4. Power ON your iPhone 3G and wait untill iPhone 3G carrier popsup. if doesn’t repeat step 3 and 4.

How to Unlock iPhone 3G 2.2.1 with Baseband 02.30.03

1. Download iPhone 3G OS 3.0 firmware

2. Upgrade iPhone 3G 2.2.1 to 3.0 with iTunes 8.2

3. Download Redsn0w 3.0 & Jailbreak iPhone 3G 3.0 with Redsn0w & Install Cydia or Icy installer

4. Follow How to Install Ultrasn0w from Cydia Instructions.

5. Press Home button to Power Off& Insert your Third part SIM card

6. Power ON your iPhone 3G and wait untill iPhone 3G carrier popsup. if doesn’t repeat step 5 and 6.

How to Unlock iPhone 3G 2.2.1 with Baseband 02.28.00

1. Download iPhone 3G OS 3.0 firmware

2. Upgrade iPhone 3G 2.2.1 to 3.0 with iTunes 8.2 with shift

3. Download Pwnagetool 3.0 or Redsn0w & Jailbreak iPhone 3G 3.0 must Install Cydia installer

4. Follow How to Install Ultrasn0w from Cydia Instructions.

5. Press Home button to Power Off& Insert your Third part SIM card

6. Power ON your iPhone 3G and wait untill iPhone 3G carrier popsup. if doesn’t repeat step 5 and 6.


1. What should I use to Jailbreak iPhone 3G 3.0 ?

You can download PwnagwTool 3.0 or Redsn0w 0.7.2 if you are on Mac for Windows users only Redsn0w 0.7.2 is available.

2. Which one is better ? PwnageTool 3.0 or Redsn0w 0.7.2

Both tools are good for jailbreaking with basic difference PwnageTool lets you to keep your Baseband and it is only for Mac. Where as redsn0w can be used on Windows & Mac and it can unlock & jailbreak ipod touch 2g,1g 3.0 and jailbreak iPhone 2g,3g 3.0

3. When iPhone Dev team will release QuickPWN for iPhone 3G 3.0

QuickPWN has been replaced by Redsn0w. You must use Redsn0w for Jailbreaking & unlocking.

4. Is yellowsn0w same as Ultrasn0w ?

Yes, Yellowsn0w has been replaced with Ultrasn0w, but Ultrasn0w can only unlock iPone 3G 3.0 firmware with Baseband 04.26.08.

5. Can Ultrasn0w Unlock iPhone 3G S 3.0?

iPhone 3G S 3.0 does comes with vulnerable baseband 04.26.08 but it all depends on whether iPhone Dev team will be able to jailbreak iPhone OS 3G S or not.

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