Where you can use Linux?

You can use Linux as Server Os or as stand alone Os on your PC. (But it is best suited for Server.) As a server Os it provides different services/network resources to client. Server Os must be:

  • Stable

  • Robust

  • Secure

  • High Performance

Linux offers all of the above characteristics plus its Open Source and Free OS. So Linux can be used as:

(1) On stand alone workstation/PC for word processing, graphics, software development, internet, e-mail, chatting, small personal database management system etc.

(2) In network environment as:

(A) File and Print or Application Server

Share the data, Connect the expensive device like printer and share it, e-mail within the LAN/intranet etc are some of the application.

Linux Server with different Client Os

(B) Linux sever cab be connected to Internet, So that PC's on intranet can share the internet/e-mail etc. You can put your web sever that run your web site or transmit the information on the internet.

Linux Server can act as Proxy/Mail/WWW/Router Server etc.

So you can use Linux for:

  • Personal Work

  • Web Server

  • Software Development Workstation

  • Workgroup Server

In Data Center for various server activities such as FTP, Telnet, SSH, Web, Mail, Proxy, Proxy Cache Appliance etc

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