Once we have our blog set up Blogger. We can begin to write our first post or entry. For now, leave aside the issue of content and focus on the technical aspect. We will study various terminologies of Posting and the elements of Post editor of Blogger.
When we sign in our account, all we have to do to write an entry is to click the button “New Post“. This button leads to a small MS word like editor. At the top, write the title of the Post, it should give your readers an idea about what you are writing. Post should always have Title.
Then we have the Post Editor itself. It has two tabs. Normally, always starts in the tab “Compose” where you can write the post content including formatting which include images, etc.. The tab “Edit HTML” shows the content of the post with HTML tags. If we write from this tab, you will need to enter your code by hand.
Now, Begin writing your content article and When you’ve finished it, it’s time to format and include images. If you interrupt your writing for including images, formatting text, you may end up losing conentration so it is better to complete writing article first and then move on formatting and editing or so called finishing.
To format, you use the toolbar icon on the tab. Its operation is like in any word processor: select the text you wish to format and give it to one of the icons. Let’s review each.
Font: This is not an icon, but a drop down list. It offers you the choice between a few fonts to apply them to your text. The reason that so few is because the rates offered are those that can be viewed in any browser and computer from which you access the blog. My advice is do not use any. The templates come with a font defined with which to display the text of the posts and change the source from here you can change the look of the blog too. Change the source only when deemed absolutely necessary to convey the message you want.
Font size: As its name suggests, lets you change the font size used. Use it only when you want to perform, such as subtitles within a post.
Text Color: Lets you change the color of selected text. One tip: with few exceptions, not using it. The texts that vary in color can be very annoying and harder to read.
Link: Used to convert the selected text a link or link so that clicking on it will open the page that you indicate. By clicking on this icon opens a small text box where we write the address to which you want to lead.
Alignment left, center, right or justification to both sides: allows you to put to one side or another text. The justification will extend the separation of words to cover every line from one end to the other post. As a suggestion, saying that it is better not justify the text: the spaces between words are often mixed and it looks worse than if they are aligned to the left.
Numbered list: Numbers each selected paragraph. It usually occurs with bleeding on the left, although this will depend on the template used.
Bulleted list: Place a small image in front of each paragraph. Depending on the template used, this image may be a black circle or other more complete picture.
Blockquote: Gives a special format that varies according to the template, but differs from the text. Allows you to place an appointment, indicating that the content is formatted so we have not written them, but what we get from elsewhere.
Check spelling: We check the spelling of our entrance. Clicking on this icon, highlight the words that are considered wrong. Use your common sense and your knowledge at the time to correct.
Add image: Will open a window through which we can include one or more images in our driveway. We will discuss this at greater length in another post in this series.
Add Video:It allows us to upload a video to our blog from our computer. If we want to embedding (embed) from another service like YouTube and similar method to follow is different. We will discuss this in another post.
Remove formatting from selection: Does what its name says. This is very useful when we have written copy text in a word processor such as Word or that we extracted from other website. Removing text formatting, we make sure to display properly in our blog, not retained by the formatting as before.
Preview: Clicking on this link, the text box the contents of the post will shrink and show us as shown below in the format that we have implemented. This preview is really a view about, for not using many of the formatting elements that ends up providing our staff. Gives you an idea about things like alignment and if the images and videos are fine, but it is very possible that your post is not exactly as it will last.
Label: These can be used for specifying category of Article so that you can group articles of same type under one heading, this is useful for readers too to access articles written under one topic.
I hope using these options, you will complete writing your article successfully so, using Publish Button will Publish it on Homepage and Save Button will just save it as draft for further editing. Also, you can schedule your publishing by specifying Date and Time. It will automatically publish article at that time without your action.
Finally, we have a few more options that are quite important. However, as this post has already been too long, we will explain in depth for the next entry in this series.
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