How to Burn a CD’s/DVD’s in Ubuntu Linux

GnomeBaker is a Gnome CD/DVD burning application.GnomeBaker is a GTK2/Gnome CD/DVD burning application. I’ve been writing it in my spare time so progress is fairly slow. It’s more of a personal project as I wanted to have a go at developing on Linux and I figured that as I had got this far I may as well let it loose on the world. Maybe someone will like it and use it.

It requires a recent version of cdtools (cdrecord, readcd, cdda2wav and mkisofs), version 2 or greater should be okay. It also requires growisofs for DVD burning.

GnomeBaker Features

Create data CDs.
Blank RW disks.
Burn DVDs.
Copy data CDs.
Copy audio CDs.
Support multisession burning.
Record to and burn from existing CD ISO images.
Can burn via SCSI and ATAPI on Linux kernels 2.4 and 2.6. Basically if cdrecord works, then GnomeBaker will work.
Drag and drop to create data CDs (including drag and drop to/from the Nautilus file manager).
Create audio CDs from existing WAV, MP3, FLAC, and Ogg files.
Integrate with GConf for storage of application settings.

Install GnomeBaker in Ubuntu

sudo aptitude install gnomebaker

This will complete the installation.

After the program is installed, open it by doing Applications--->Sound & Video--->GnomeBaker

Once it opens you should see similar to the following screen

Burn Data CD Using gnomebaker

If you wish to make a Data CD, click Data CD near the bottom.

Add the files and click “Burn”

Burn Audio CD Using gnomebaker

If you want to make an Audio CD, click Audio CD instead of Data CD.

Change the audio CD length from 21 minutes to 80 minutes (a standard CD size) so that you can add a reasonable amount of music to the CD.

Add the music and hit “Burn”.

Burn .iso using gnomebaker

To make an ISO image, click Tools, and then Burn CD/DVD image depending on if you are burning to a CD or DVD. Then you will need to find the location of the ISO image (e.g /home/name/Desktop/someiso.iso)

You can copy another CD/DVD or Audio CD by selecting the option that applies from the Tools menu.

Writing a multisession disk with GnomeBaker

1st Session:

1. Add Files to Data Disk

2. Create data disk. Mode=”default” or “tao” (default should be tao, i.e. track-at-once).

3. Start

4. Ok.

Next session:

1. Import the previous session(s) (Import button). You might have to unmount the disk manually in case you get errors at importing the disk (apparently GnomeBaker can’t handle very well the unmounting of a mounted CD)

2. Add Files to Data Disk

3. Create data disk. Mode=”default” or “tao” (default should be tao, i.e. track-at-once).

4. Start

5. Ok.

And that’s it. You should have now a multisession disk.