Install Linksys WUSB54GC wireless In Ubuntu/Kubuntu 7.04/7.10

This script that can do this very easily. It uses ndiswrapper to install for 32bit or 64bt Ubuntu or Kubuntu. You can get the script from below

Fresh Fesity Install download from here

Fresh Gutsy Install download from here

Download the suitable script for you and Extract the directory somewhere, then cd into it.

cd wusb54gc

Then just run the script by typing

sudo ./wireless

And then the fun begins. It’ll install the dependencies, compile ndiswrapper, install the rt73 system files, modprobe ndiswrapper, and blacklist the crappy drivers ubuntu thought would work when we installed. Worked for me.


Now, if you’re using KDE (Kubuntu users), it will install Wireless Assistant, which is the easiest way to get the internet working after you reboot. Just go to KDE->Internet->Wireless Assistant, or type

sudo wlassistant

Put in your info and you should be good to go. Otherwise, you may need to put in your info manually.

If you’re using Gnome (Ubuntu users), it has a great thing called Network Manager, which is an applet that runs usually when you startup. Just use that. Otherwise, you may have to put it in manually.

For those of you who have to put it in manually, here is an example of what mine looks like:

dhclient -r wlan0
ifconfig wlan0 up
iwconfig wlan0 mode managed channel 6 key open 3214567890 essid MyNetwork
iwconfig wlan0 ap 00:15:E9:65:E3:F6
dhclient -q wlan0