This tutorial will explain how to Create working Wine desktop launcher.
Reasons for creating Wine desktop launcher
◦Some games launcher exe files just don’t work right, and you have to use the main exe file to get the program to run.
◦Wine is picky it wants to be in the directory the file is in when you run the exe. Normal menu items point to the program using the path, i.e. /home/ed/.wine/la la la .exe. That won’t cut it.
So, you have to create a script that will change to the proper directory, then run the right file. Here is how you do that. We are going to create a launcher for World of Warcraft.
Open the terminal
gksudo gedit
copy the following lines
cd ~/.wine/drive_c/World\ of\ Warcraft/
wine Wow.exe -opengl
Save the file as under /bin (you can use the location which is easy for you to remember)
Close the file
Now you need to give execute permissions for your script
chmod a+x /bin/
Create desktop launcher
If you want to Create desktop launcher right click on the desktop and choose Create Launcher.
Under Name, type World of Warcraft .
Under Command, type /bin/
Enter Comment
Finally Click OK.
You can create which ever launcher you want with the same procedure
If you want to create fallout2 launcher use the following script
cd ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Interplay/Fallout\ 2
wine FALLOUT2.exe
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