How to setup NetworkManager work with pppoe connection on Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic)

When Ubuntu 9.10 releases, pppoe connection via NetworkManager is impossible because some bug in it so to fix this we will install network manager from daily network manager trunk ppa.

Install network manager from Daily trunk PPA

First you need to edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file

gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list


Addd the following two lines

deb karmic main
deb-src karmic main
Save and exit the file

Update the source list


sudo apt-get update


Install network manager

sudo apt-get install network-manager

Configure pppoe

Disable your previous “pppoe on boot” setting which is configured by pppoeconf.

Edit /etc/ppp/pppoe_on_boot file

gksudo gedit /etc/ppp/pppoe_on_boot
exec pppd call dsl-provider


#exec pppd call dsl-provider

Now you need to rename /etc/network/interfaces to backup file. NetworkManager will only handle connections which haven’t declared in interfaces.

    $cp /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces.back

Also edit /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/ , find out the line contains “System policy prevents modification of system settings”, and below it there is a “auth_admin_keep“, change it to “yes“. This will enable you to edit a system wide connection. If you consider this will do harm to your security, then revert the change once you have set up your connection correctly.

Finally reboot your system