How to Jailbreak your iPod Touch 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2

If you have an iPod Touch, there are a couple of free tools you can use to Jailbreak it. Firstly, no matter which generation iPod Touch you have, 1st or 2nd, it’s the firmware version that matters when it comes to Jailbreaking.

If you are running any version less than 2, such as 1.1.5, 1.1.4, 1.1.3, 1.1.2, and so on, you can easily Jailbreak your iPod Touch. Since there are already so many guides online on how to do this correctly, I will simply point to the sites you should check out.

If you are running firmware version 2.0, 2.1, or the latest 2.2, you can still Jailbreak your iPod Touch, but you have to follow a different set of instructions.

Jailbreak iPod Touch 1.1.x

Check out this this YouTube video that goes through the exact steps you have to follow to jailbreak the 1.1.5 version of the iPod Touch. If for any reason the above video does not help you, you can also check out the following site that goes through the steps for any version from 1.1.2 to 1.1.5 using Liberty.

Finally, as a backup, if you can’t get it to work using the above forum, check out the iPodHacking forum where they have another guide to Jailbreaking the 1.1.5 firmware version.

Jailbreak iPod Touch 2.0, 2.1, 2.2

For the newer versions of the firmware, you have to use the QuickPwn and Pwnage tools for Windows and Mac respectively. Check out this post from my friend over at that goes through step by step how to Jailbreak the iPod Touch running 2.0, 2.0.1, or 2.0.2 firmware versions.

If you are running version 2.1, check out his other post on how to Jailbreak that version.

You can also check out the actual Quickpwn website that walks you though the process of Jailbreaking version 2.1 of the firmware:

They also recently released the iPod Touch 2.2 jailbreak, which you can download by going here:

Note that there is currently not a way to Jailbreak the 2.2 version of the firmware on the 2nd generation iPod Touch. They are coming out with a way to do that, but right now you can only Jailbreak version 2.2 on a 1st generation iPod Touch.

If you eventually find the guide that shows how to Jailbreak the 2nd generation iPod Touch running the latest firmware (2.2), post it in the comments! Also, check out my previous post on how to reset or unfreeze an iPod, iPod Touch, or iPod Shuffle. Enjoy!

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